Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Take This Job And Stick It Up Your @SS!

I like my job. I like what I do here. I like having a job that pays well and the fact that I have my own quiet office is great.

BUT......I can't stand the behavior of about 3 people that work here.

My boss is a great guy and a decent boss, but he has some serious issues with how he treats peoples concerns and he lets a certain person take off WAY more time in one week then I could ever take off in a year. I am VERY PISSED about it. This person takes off a min of 1 day per week (usually Friday). She also gets away with coming in late on Mondays after long holiday weekends. I would have been fired if I even thought about doing that. The thing that pisses me off the most about my "boss" is that if I take a concern to him, he turns it all around on me. He says to other co-workers that "Carla is feeling picked on". I am suppose to keep track of back ordered items, so I asked if the warehouse manager (the person who receives shipments) could let me know shipments come in so that I can update the page. My boss said to me "So you want someone else to do your job for you?" NO! I just want to be notified when stuff comes in so that I can update things in a timely manner! JERK!

A certain co-worker (mentioned above) has taken the last 4 Fridays off, plus came in late on the Monday after the long 4th weekend. She takes early and long lunches whenever she feels like and she is now taking off more time, the Thursday before a holiday and coming in late on the Monday after! I am so freaking pissed...there are no words that can describe my anger right now.

I wrote an e-mail to my boss (who is in China this week) to let him know that I can no longer deal with the stress that is being caused because of the co-worker taking off so much freaking time. I would not have a problem with it if I did not have to do her job for her, making it so that I get into trouble for not getting my own job done.

I am at the end of my rope. I might be looking for another job soon. If anyone knows of anything, I would love to hear about it.