Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Where do I begin. Why is it that Humans in general think they need to have the biggest, the best and the most? I am still trying to figure that out.

If I had more money than I knew what to do with I would not flaunt it. I would not buy the biggest house on the block or have the biggest and best things available. I would much prefer to live a simple life. Sure I would buy a few wanted items, but mostly needed items.

If I had plenty of money, I would not want to make myself a target for criminals. I would still wear average clothes to the stores, I would not drive a fancy car or have an expensive purse. I would not carry bank cards with me and I would only have enough cash for what I needed during that shopping trip.

I just don't understand why people put so much value in a person by the amount of money they make or what "things" they have to show it off. I put value in a person for how they treat others, not for what they own, what job they do or how much money they have.