Wednesday, October 05, 2005

My Job

What is my job you ask? Well I will tell you. I process web orders for a small web store. I like my job, but I do have to gripe about a few things.

First of all, People who do not put in a full street address. We don't read minds, you have to give us full address, or your order will not go anywhere.

Second, people who choose one type of shipping option and then write a little note that says they would like it sent a different way. What's up with that? Just choose the shipping that you want in the first place!

Third, people who don't understand that there is processing time needed for the order. Example: They order something to go Next Day Air, well children, the order has to be processed through the store, it does not just zap into the air as soon as you hit the "place order" button.

And last but by far not least, UPS can NOT deliver to a PO Box! Do not choose UPS shipping if you are having it sent to a PO Box.

Well I should go back to e-mailing customers now.

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