Friday, September 11, 2009

Life is what we make of it

I have been bothered by some things lately. One of them being that I have become more depressed. This started after I started taking the DQ to school on a daily basis. I wondered how that has caused stress and depression. I figured out that it comes from the music that she listens to. I hate it, but I let her listen to it anyway. Yes I know I am the parent, we don't have time for that discussion right now.

After listening (actually listening) to the lyrics of the music, I now have a much better understanding of why teens are all messed up these days. Yes this music discussion has been a huge issue in all generations of life, but this CRAP that they put on the radio these days is so bad that, as my dad would say "you had to be 18 and pay good money to see or hear that stuff in special theaters in my day" It is true. One song talks about "Gangsta Rap made me do it" It talks about cannibalism because "Gangsta rap made him do it", doing bad things because "Gangsta Rap made him do it". Almost all of the songs (I use the word songs very lightly) talk about having sex. Sex this, sex that, how many people are involved in the sex and where, why and when they will be doing it. There is one song that is just some stupid kid whispering into the microphone while what sounds like a porn track plays into the background. Other songs talk about buying whatever you want just because you want it and if you are not famous, you are scum.

That is telling kids that if they are not rich, famous and or having sex constantly, then they are no good. Plus it is just very depressing to hear that kind of decay and crap in our everyday lives and society makes it seem ok. No wonder kids are confused. The media is saying things are ok and parents are trying to teach kids that it is not. That is all VERY DEPRESSING!

Another example. Someone that I am very close to really enjoys very heavy metal music. Very loud, very disturbing lyrics. He watches TV programs about crimes, murders, rapes, and so on every night before he goes to bed. His choice of movies are all very loud, violent and gory. Well, guess what is going on with his health. Anxiety attacks. I really don't wonder why. If I listened to metal music that just screams profanities and anger into my head all day and then watched shows about evil people doing evil acts to people that they claimed to have cared about or loved, old people, children and strangers, I would be having anxiety attacks too.

We need to take a step back and really look at what we allow to influence our moods, behaviors and lives. If we don't, none of us will survive this so called life.