Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's time for the good people to take back the world

I have become very, very frustrated with a few things the past few years. I have come to the conclusion that the good people of the world need to take it back from the sick, disgusting, perverted, filthy, evil people.

I am tired of being walked all over just because I follow the rules and try not to cause trouble.
I am tired of turning on the news to here about 5 year olds being prostituted out and killed by the people that are suppose to care for and love them.
I am tired of people getting in their cars and acting like they are the only thing that matters on that road.
I am tired of sex and violence being the only thing on TV anymore.
I am tired of being treated like shit because I am not a size two model.
I am tired of ignorant old people living longer and being a waist of oxygen and space.
I am tired of eBay customers always trying to rip me off and eBay for giving them the power to do it.
I am tired of working outside of the home making it hard for me to take care of the family and home.
I am tired of sharing a planet with such sleazy horrible people.

I am tired of LIFE!

If we do not stand up now and start defending ourselves, when will it end. The harder the "good" people try to keep value and morals on this planet, the harder the perverted evil people fight against us. It is time to bring back capitol punishment. An eye for an eye. If you kill, you too shall be killed.

No more slaps on the wrist. Make prisons exactly what they should be....PRISONS. Don't give prisoners more than 2 meals a day. Don't give them a work out room, games, TV, books, and warm showers. Make them suffer as they have made others suffer. Make them work hard to earn the money that supports them.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wow how time escapes so quickly

Well, Halloween came and went. I worked at a Haunted Attraction during October, so I did not get as much Halloween stuff done as I had first planned. But, I had a great time working there, so I am not complaining. I was sick on Halloween day, so I was not able to fully enjoy it however, we did manage to have a great Halloween anyway.

I can not believe Thanksgiving is only two weeks away. I am not ready for the holidays to hit quite so quickly. I am happy to say that I do have most of my Christmas shopping done. I have a little more to go.

My eBay store has slowed way down. I was expecting about 8 times the orders that I am getting for this time of year. But, with this economy, I am happy to have any sales at all.

I have to get going. I have a dentist appointment today :O I just wanted to pop in for a moment and say hi.