Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wow how time escapes so quickly

Well, Halloween came and went. I worked at a Haunted Attraction during October, so I did not get as much Halloween stuff done as I had first planned. But, I had a great time working there, so I am not complaining. I was sick on Halloween day, so I was not able to fully enjoy it however, we did manage to have a great Halloween anyway.

I can not believe Thanksgiving is only two weeks away. I am not ready for the holidays to hit quite so quickly. I am happy to say that I do have most of my Christmas shopping done. I have a little more to go.

My eBay store has slowed way down. I was expecting about 8 times the orders that I am getting for this time of year. But, with this economy, I am happy to have any sales at all.

I have to get going. I have a dentist appointment today :O I just wanted to pop in for a moment and say hi.