Sunday, July 31, 2005

Fat Depressed Americans

I find it very funny that people are always trying to find reasons for why Americans are Depressed and Overweight. The answer is simple. We watch TV shows that are full of Murders, Destruction and Spouses Cheating on each other just because they can. Then to make it worse the commercials in the middle of the shows are telling us "Now that you are down about life, come on over and get yourself a Big Greasy Cheese Burger, Fattening Fries and a Milk Shake" "You will feel much better with a full tummy" So like trained little monkeys that's what we all do. Then the health nuts put on some infomercial that tells us that now that we are all fat, we need to buy their product and we will be thin again. So we go into debt to buy their products. But now we are to tired to use them because we are working 3 jobs just to pay for it and we are eating greasy fast food because we don't have time for real food. So then we get more depressed because now our lives are filled with Murder, Destruction, Cheating Spouses, Fast Fattening Foods, Tiredness, Cluttery Workout Equipment, and last but not least DEBT. Wow that really is depressing.

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