Monday, August 15, 2005

DHL Shipping Company SUCKS!

I have worked with many different shipping companies in the past few years and I would just like to say that DHL is by FAR the very WORST one out there. The time sensative packages NEVER get there on time and thier website is SO slow that I could process 5 or 6 packages with another company in the time that it would take DHL's website to load. They have recently changed the website and now I can not ship anything at all because when I try to print the label, I get a message that says that they can not process the shipment at this time. And to top it all off, we have to pay them $7.00 a week to pick up the packages! Bad! Bad! Bad! Service! So to make a long story short, they charge outragouse fees and don't do anything to earn it.

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