Sunday, January 29, 2006

Speaking Of Summer

Today has been a very lazy day, as you can see by all of my postings today. Anyway as I was sitting here freezing and thinking about Summer, I have decided on some things that I am going to do this Summer.

1) Go bike riding down by the Lake more often.
2) Go camping, I have all the gear, but have not been for years.
3) Maybe float my raft around in Deer Creek again.
4) Wash my car, at least once.
5) Hang out in my hammock and read a book.
6) Go to Saint George, just cause I keep saying that I am going to, but never have.
7) Go to Lava Hot Springs, that is always fun.
8) Put on some overalls and take pics of myself standing in the veggie garden that I may or may not plant this year. I was suppose to do that last year, but I forgot.
9) And of course, take pics of all of these adventures and post them here on my Blog.

I Want Summer Back

Ok, I love Winter and I love Snow, but I think it's about time that we start getting some green around here again.

Lazy Days

I want to be a cat!
Who wouldn't love to just lay around and get waited on hand and foot.

Who Needs Expensive Cat Toys

Why buy expensive cat toys when you can use your old puffy coat to entertain your spunky little friends.

Got My Hair Permed

Yeah, Its True, I got my hair permed. I have had three responses to it

1) It's Interesting
2) It's Different
And last but not least and my Favorite response
3) Huh, the last time I got a perm was in the 80's

Survival Of The Smartest....I Am A Dead Woman

The Monturf, David, and I played a game tonight. It was something about survival and I got about 4 out of 30 questions correct. Basicaly that just means that if I was ever Camping in the Jungle, Lost in the wilderness, or Walking on Ice, I would be a dead woman. I could not believe how much I thought I knew, but was was dead wrong about. It was funny cause Dave got a lot of of Hostage and Bondage type of questions, I got mostly Survival in the Outdoors questions, and Monturf (who does not drive) got tons of questions about Driving Saftey. Dave won the game, so I guess I will just have to take him everytime I go outside of my happy little bubble.

A Few Days In The Life Of Nessie

It all starts on Jan 18th, 2006 as I arrive home from work at about 5:00 pm to find a large dog running around my yard. I did not think much of it until I was entering my home and the dog plowed his way in with me. He immediately sniffed out the cats and chased them through every room in the house. It was like a scene out of a movie, large dog chasing cats through the kitchen over the table and under the chairs with the cats hissing and scratching the whole time. The cats finally ended up in my closet and would not come out for about 3 hours. So now that the cats are out of the way, I try to remove the dog from my home, well that was not an easy task, but 20 minutes after I started, he was outside. Then I hear this big thud up against the front door, so I look out the door window and there is this dog with his big muddy paws pounding up against the door howling and trying to get in. He did this for about 15 minutes before he finally gave up. So now that the dog fiasco is over, dinner has been made, dishes are done, and showers are taken, I finally get to bed at about 9:30 just to be woken up at 10:30 pm by my teenager who just HAS to have some laundry done because it would kill her to not be able to wear that special something to school the next day. So I get up and put the laundry in the wash. 12:30 am comes around and the laundry needs to be dried, not a big deal, I can sleep walk and put clothes in the dryer. But nope it does not end there, at 1:30 am the Princess (teenager again) is screaming because snow has collected on the satellite dish and there is no picture (What the crap was she doing watching TV at 1:30 in the morning) So I have to go out and scrape of the dish, in my jammies! Yeah, so you think that it ends there, OH NO! At 3:00 am I hear the bird cage being rattled and look over to find Peety (my cat) over there tormenting the bird. I guess he was just picking on the bird because he was picked on by a big dog earlier that day. So I think that it just can't get any worse then this, but it does, Oh Yes, It Does! Just as I fall back asleep, my dog starts barking at who knows what, so I gave up on sleeping at all that night. I finally just get up at 6:00 in hopes that the new day would be better, but it wasn't. I get in the shower and start out by putting conditioner in my hair instead of shampoo, so I have to rinse it all out and start over. Then I get to work late and start my daily stuff just to print all of my paperwork to the wrong printer in another office.........AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
HHHH! Ok, so you would think that things would get better and maybe they did, but not much better. I get home that night and things went pretty good until I went to bed. I was all cozy and just getting warm when my stupid dog starts barking again, I have tried everything on the planet to try to train her not to bark at night, but she thinks she knows best and so she barked non-stop the entire night. Needless to say, I did not get any sleep again. I got to work the next day on time, but I got in trouble because I had apparently ignored a couple of customers by not e-mailing or contacting them about something that they got upset over.....OOPS : ) I think it is Friday by now, but I have probably lost track due the my lack of sleep. I finally got me some ear plugs and that seemed to help me sleep last night. So well will see what happens tonight, if I ever go to bed.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

You Know You're From Utah When...

Green jell-o with carrots mixed in doesn't seem strange.

You can pronounce Tooele.

The U is not just a letter - Neither is the Y.

You have actually eaten funeral potatoes.

You've gotten both heat and frost burns off your car's door handle in the same month.

You are not surprised to hear words like "Darn, Fetch, Flip", "Oh, My Heck" and "Shoot".

Your tulips get snowed on three times after they come up and twice more after they bloom.

Hunting season is a school holiday.

The largest liquor store is the state government.

You can go skiing and play golf on the same day.

30% humidity is muggy and almost unbearable.

Somewhere in your family tree is a polygamist.

You know the difference between a 'Steak House' and a 'Stake House'.

The elevation exceeds the population

You've broken down on the highway and somebody stops to help you

You can see the stars at night

You have a bumper sticker that says "Families are Forever."

You were an aunt or uncle before you were three.

Your spouse's mother was pregnant at your wedding.

You have more children than you can find biblical names for.

Your family considers a trip to McDonald'd a night out..

Your first child was conceived on your honeymoon.

You feel guilty when you watch Monday Night Football.

Your kids believe the deer hunt is a national holiday.

You drink Coke from a brown paper bag.

You consider a temple recommend a credit reference.

At least two of your salad bowls are at the homes of neighbors.

You believe that you must be 18 or older to order coffee at a restaurant.

You wonder why fire truck drivers honk when you drive 35 mph in the left lane on the freeway.

There is a similarity between a ward basketball game and the L.A. riots.

You think Jack Daniels is a country western singer.

You negotiate prices at a garage sale.

You can make Jell-O salad without the recipe.

You've heard about BYU football in a testimony meeting.

You have two gallons of ice cream in your freezer at all times.

Your father-in-law thinks Ronald Reagan was a liberal.

A member of your family wrote in Lavell Edwards for president in the last election.

Cars in the slow lane are traveling the fastest; cars in the fast lane are traveling the slowest; cars in the middle lanes are always trying to exit.

Sandals are the best-selling shoes.

You have to ask for the uncensored version of "Titanic."

Hotel rooms all have the Book of Mormon.

You buy your wardrobe at the local grocery superstore.

You learn about the Mormon Church by taking history in elementary school.

You live in a state where Democrats always come in third place, unless a zoo animal is running. Then they come in fourth.

You're on your own if you are turning left.

Schools stay open, even if two feet of snow falls overnight, but close for the opening of hunting season.

People wear shorts and T-shirts if the temperature rises above 32 degrees.

There is a church on every corner, but they all teach the same thing.

The most popular public transportation system is a ski lift.

People drive to Idaho (or Arizona) to pick up a gallon of milk so they can play the lottery.

In-state college football rivalries are bigger than the Super Bowl.

Beer drinkers don't shop on Sunday.

You don't have to breathe cigarette smoke until you walk outside a building.

The cost of living rises while your salary drops.

Every driveway has a minivan and a pickup truck.

When you buy a new vehicle, cigarette lighters are optional equipment but gun and ski racks are standard.

Every time a new family moves into your neighborhood, the local elementary school has to hire a new teacher.

Your paycheck has an additional 10 percent deduction.

"Temple recommends" is acceptable identification for cashing a check.

More movies are filmed in your town than in Hollywood.

You've never had a Mormon missionary knock on your door.

Your neighbors complain about where they live, yet refuse to return to the state they moved from.

You make a toast with red punch at your wedding reception.

You have more raw wheat stored than some Third World countries.

Your idea of a good time is playing Pictionary in the cultural hall.

Your idea of a wild party is a six pack of Pepsi and a PG-13 movie.

You and all your friends come to your mother for a haircut in her kitchen.

You measure Kool-Aid by parts per million.

You think "You're a 10 cow wife" is a compliment.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Utah.

Your 80s Heartthrob

Your 80s Heartthrob Is

John Stamos

How Blonde Are You?

You Are a Strawberry Blonde

Men see you as flirtatious, but they also see you as a challenge

Because you're totally fearless and carefree

You've got the lightheartedness of a blonde, with the attitude of a redhead

Your Band Name

Your Band Name is:

The Juggling Bellies

How Weird Are You?

You Are 50% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...

But too damn weird to do anything about it!

Love Life Secrets Revealed

Your Love Life Secrets Are

Looking back on your life, you will have many true loves.

You're a little scarred from your past relationships, but who isn't?

It's important to you that your lover is very attractive. You like to have someone to show off.

In fights, you seek compromise and back down from conflict. You always try to smooth things out.

Break-ups can be painful for you, but you never show it. You hold your head high.

How Boyish or Girlish Are You?

You Are 40% Boyish and 60% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.

Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.

You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.

You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

A New Addition

Yes it is true, there is a new addition to the Nessie Family. His name is Spool : )
It all started at about 1:00 p.m. on Jan 7, 2006 and then he entered our lives about 3 hours later at 4:19 p.m. on that same day. Well it really started on May 28th while his father and I were engaged in "fun time" Birthday celibrations, but I am sure that you do not want to read about all of that. I hope you enjoy the pics of little Spool and Proud Mommy holding him.