Sunday, January 29, 2006

Speaking Of Summer

Today has been a very lazy day, as you can see by all of my postings today. Anyway as I was sitting here freezing and thinking about Summer, I have decided on some things that I am going to do this Summer.

1) Go bike riding down by the Lake more often.
2) Go camping, I have all the gear, but have not been for years.
3) Maybe float my raft around in Deer Creek again.
4) Wash my car, at least once.
5) Hang out in my hammock and read a book.
6) Go to Saint George, just cause I keep saying that I am going to, but never have.
7) Go to Lava Hot Springs, that is always fun.
8) Put on some overalls and take pics of myself standing in the veggie garden that I may or may not plant this year. I was suppose to do that last year, but I forgot.
9) And of course, take pics of all of these adventures and post them here on my Blog.