Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Funniest, Yet Not Funniest Thing

Last night a friend of mine whom I have not seen for about 8 years came over to my home to visit. We talked until about 11:00 pm. My great and wonderful husband talked with us for a while, but then decided to go to bed (he was just getting over a nasty flu or cold). Anyway at about 11:15 I heard thud, thud, thud on the stair way. My first thought was that my cat was making a very fast run up the stairs, but then I realized that the sound was much to heavy for that. I then thought that maybe Dave had dropped something down the stairs but I did not know why he would be taking anything down them. Then I start hearing thud ouch, thud d'oh, thud oohh, and then it stopped. I quickly realized that what Dave had dropped down the stairs was himself :O

I ran over there to see if he was ok or needed help. His head was all squished up against the wall and his legs and arms were sprawled out over the stairs. It was quite a sight to see. So, once I established that he was not dead or injured, I burst into laughter and I could not stop laughing all night (I know, not nice). I was even laughing on my way into work this morning.

By now you are probably wondering why I am blogging about this, so I will tell you. Dave and I spent about an hour talking and trying to figure out what happened or what he was doing to cause him to fall down the stairs. We really don't know because he was on cold meds and half asleep (oh wait, that is probably the reason). But, he said I should blog about my theories. So here they are:

1) He was reenacting a Homer Simpson scene when Homer was rolling down a hill

2) He decided that body surfing down the stairs was faster than walking down them

3) My real opinion is that he was leaning to look through the railings to see if my friend was still there and he lost his balance which caused him to tumble the rest of the way down the stairs

He said that he went down face first on his stomach and he felt like a Pez dispenser. Every time he would hit a stair his head would be flipped back like a Pez candy dispenser. As cruel as it might sound, I think that would have been funny to see.