Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Today is a great day to RANT!

This RANT session is (mostly) for all of you selfish JERKS out there!

First Rant: THE HARDER YOU TRY IN LIFE, THE HARDER YOUR ASS GETS KICKED! Maybe I am the only one that feels this way, but I feel like the harder I try in life, the worse it gets. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful that I have what I do have...Great family, home, good health, and so on. I am blessed and I appreciate everything. But, there are days when it seems like everything I do to improve things or help others, I just get kicked in the ass for it.

Second Rant: STUPID SELFISH DRIVERS! How many stupid drivers does it take to kill someone and or completely destroy someone, a whole family or communities life's? Just ONE! Get off your phones, stop putting on make up, lighting your cancer sticks, reading the news paper, eating food, text messaging or turning around to yell at your kids and PAY ATTENTION to the road...JERKS! Also for those of you who think that you are so much more important than everyone else out there. When there is construction and the speed limit is lowered....THERE IS A REASON FOR THAT! Stop going 30 mph over just to get to the front of the line and cut everyone off when the lane closes off! So, to all of you I give you a big fat MIDDLE FINGER as you drive past me going 30 mph over the speed limit me putting your selfishness ahead of the safety of others. Oh and by the way, if you have a company logo on your vehicle and you are driving like that, I will NOT go to your company for services.

Third Rant: The WEATHER has been so cold, frozen, foggy, hazy, and did I mention cold for so long that I can not take it any more. I drive to work in the dark, drive home in the dark and I it is gray and hazy all day. I am about ready to pack up and move to Arizona.

Fourth Rant: eBay / PayPal Thank you for raising your fees so high that I can no longer afford to use your services to sell goods to earn grocery money for my family. Thank you for letting me put food on your tables instead of my own. I will be finding a different store format to sell in.

Fifth Rant: TAXES! I am so upset about this that I am not sure that I can even write about it without making threats that would land me in jail. I will just say that I busted my ass to make enough money to support myself and my child without needing to get on any gov assistance just to have my earnings ripped out of my pocket by taxes making it so that I had NO earnings when all is said and done. I was the head of household ALL YEAR long. I paid ALL of the household expenses and then I got married at the end of the year. Now the gov is taking all of the money that my business earned and then some. Just because I got married at the end of the year. His income did not pay my bills and household expenses, but now I am being raped by taxes because I got married at the end of the year. I could go on for hours, but I don't want to loose my job because of writing in here instead of working.