Thursday, February 26, 2009

Living in Rural Suburbia

Dave and I were able to (after much stress from the loan process) buy a home. We found out about a great loan option that allowed us to purchase a home in a rural area and get 100% financing. We jumped on that opportunity. Plus the town that we moved to is a great up and comping and quiet little town. It is about a 30 min drive to work for both of us. But it is also a bit of a drive to get to a grocery store. I don't even think that Santaquin has a street light, at least not on any roads that I have traveled on.

The home is perfect for us. We have the space that we need, a good size yard that won't take hours of upkeep and we have a great view of the valley from the back deck. My fave part of the house is that we have a garage! I have never had a garage before. So, this next winter, I will NOT have to scrape ice off of my windshield in the morning. I am very EXCITED about that.

We also went all out and got two puppies. I was really excited about that until they found out that they can bark and dig. I have had puppies before, but never more than one at a time. This is beginning to be a bigger challenge that I first thought it would be.

I am mostly happy (a bit lonely) living in our own little Suburbia. Dave and I both work a full time job plus small jobs on the side, so time together is an issue. I complained about that in my last blog session.

We are kind of in the typical American Suburbia situation. We work all day and night just to have a nice (not fancy) lifestyle, but we are never home to enjoy it. Like most American families, we are in dept up to our ears, we have a mortgage, car loan, cell phones, satellite TV and other luxuries of life. But, sometimes I question if it is all worth it. Sometimes I would rather live in a cave and not have to worry about bills, neighbors, or anything else for that matter.