Sunday, March 29, 2009

Little Family Outing

We finally had some nice Spring weather, so we took advantage of it and went on a little family outing.

We took the puppies over to Salem Pond. It is a nice little pond that has a cute park, walking trails and a couple of bridges.

Other than trying to eat duck poop, the dogs managed to behave really well for their first visit to a public park. I was a little worried that they may try and go for a swim, but they did not have much intrest in the water.

The DQ was not so fond of walking very far, so we did not stay as long as I had wanted too, but it was great just to get out at all.

I am hoping to have many more small outings this Spring and Summer.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Learning To Balance

Today I am feeling overwhelmed with life in general. No I don't have 12 kids or 8 jobs, but I do have a lot to take care of.

I guess today I am feeling the stress of trying to find time and energy to get everything done.

Sometimes I feel like I am still trying to find that balance between home, work, taking care of a special needs teen, a husband, myself and 13 pets.
Yes, we have thirteen pets. 2 cats, 2 dogs, 3 frogs and 6 guinea pigs. That is a lot to deal with when I work a full time job plus a couple of side jobs.

I think what set me off today is that when I got to work, I got an e-mail from my boss that another co-worker sent to him asking when a certin product would be added to our website. Well, the picture guy just got the product picture done last night. So, I have not even seen it yet. I can not do my part of the job when I am waiting on someone else to do their part first. So, it frustrated me. Anyway, I think that just got me started off on the wrong foot toaday.

Maybe I am just tired today, maybe I am just not in a good mood. I don't know. But some day I would like to find that balance that makes life a little easier to deal with.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The garden fence is up and still standing

Yippy! The garden fence is up and still standing.

Dave has his way of doing things and I have mine, so when it came time to put up the garden fence, we both did some compromising.

He keeps saying that it will fall because he does not think that the materials I got will hold. I got real fence posts and real fencing, so I don't know why it would not stay up.

The dogs have already tested it by jumping up against it and guess what, it's still standing. The weather has rained, snowed, and blown extreme winds at it and yup, it's still standing. I am fairly sure that it is just fine.

Now I am on a quest to purchase some much needed garden tools. I will have to start with the basics. A shovel, rake thingy and a garden hoe should get me started.

I already have some of the seeds that I am going to plant. I just need to get a few more.

I am totally excited to get my garden started. I love fresh Zucchini, Cucumbers, and Carrots. I am also very much looking forward to being able to grow my own pumpkins......YAY!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Puppy-Wuppy Circus

I had no idea what I was getting into when I got two puppies at the same time. They are brothers, so they are the same age (5 months now).

We have been good little puppy parents, we took them to the vet to get checked out and get their vaccines. They are on heart worm meds and have now been "snipped". But, I had no idea how hard it would be to get all of that done.

They are both very stubborn when they don't want to go somewhere. They are very determined when they want to go somewhere they should not go and they think that they should have free run of the house even though they are outside dogs.

I have raised puppies before, but never more than one at a time. So, this is much harder than I thought it could or would be.

That being said, I am loving having them and I hope that we ALL survive puppyhood!

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Halloween Should Be Celebrated All Year Long!

I think Halloween is so wonderful that it should be celebrated all year long. If you know me, you already know that.

Here are just a few reasons that Halloween is the best holiday of all times:

  • You get to dress up and pretend that you are something or someone else.
  • People give you candy just for knocking on their door and telling them that if they don't give you a treat, you will play a trick on them.
  • The weather is great, gray skies, orange leaves, cool (not cold) air and the wind howling through the trees.
  • It is the only day in the year that people like myself feel normal.
  • And Haunted Attractions, they are the best.
  • Oh, and we can not forget about pumpkin carving. I love to carve pumpkins.
Speaking of pumpkin carving. When I feel deprived of being able to carve pumpkins during the winter, spring and summer, I have found that carving oranges is almost as fun.
Above are a couple of my little creations. I think they turned out almost disturbing.....Just the way I like things to be.....disturbing.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Puppies First Walk

The dogs can finally go out into the world (on a leash).

I took both of the puppies for walks (separately) and they did great. Neither of them barked at other dogs or cars and they did not pull on the leash or try to get ahead of me. They were both so excited to go out and discover new smells, people, dogs and so on. I am excited that they were so well behaved. I was sure that they would need a lot of training in order to take them for walks, but they behaved like little doggy angels.