Friday, March 27, 2009

Learning To Balance

Today I am feeling overwhelmed with life in general. No I don't have 12 kids or 8 jobs, but I do have a lot to take care of.

I guess today I am feeling the stress of trying to find time and energy to get everything done.

Sometimes I feel like I am still trying to find that balance between home, work, taking care of a special needs teen, a husband, myself and 13 pets.
Yes, we have thirteen pets. 2 cats, 2 dogs, 3 frogs and 6 guinea pigs. That is a lot to deal with when I work a full time job plus a couple of side jobs.

I think what set me off today is that when I got to work, I got an e-mail from my boss that another co-worker sent to him asking when a certin product would be added to our website. Well, the picture guy just got the product picture done last night. So, I have not even seen it yet. I can not do my part of the job when I am waiting on someone else to do their part first. So, it frustrated me. Anyway, I think that just got me started off on the wrong foot toaday.

Maybe I am just tired today, maybe I am just not in a good mood. I don't know. But some day I would like to find that balance that makes life a little easier to deal with.