Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The garden fence is up and still standing

Yippy! The garden fence is up and still standing.

Dave has his way of doing things and I have mine, so when it came time to put up the garden fence, we both did some compromising.

He keeps saying that it will fall because he does not think that the materials I got will hold. I got real fence posts and real fencing, so I don't know why it would not stay up.

The dogs have already tested it by jumping up against it and guess what, it's still standing. The weather has rained, snowed, and blown extreme winds at it and yup, it's still standing. I am fairly sure that it is just fine.

Now I am on a quest to purchase some much needed garden tools. I will have to start with the basics. A shovel, rake thingy and a garden hoe should get me started.

I already have some of the seeds that I am going to plant. I just need to get a few more.

I am totally excited to get my garden started. I love fresh Zucchini, Cucumbers, and Carrots. I am also very much looking forward to being able to grow my own pumpkins......YAY!