Monday, June 15, 2009

I just want to give a big F___ U to the world!

All you jackass drivers out there need take your stupid ass cars and drive them off cliffs...I hope you die!

Anal jackasses need to take your stupid analness and shove it up your ass where it belongs.

Bosses can take their higher than mighty attitudes and drowned themselves in them.

Most "Mormons" need to crawl back under the rock that they dared pull themselves out from under.

And all you idiots that post rude comments on message boards just because that is all that you have left to do in life, can go choke on your own egos.

I don't know what I did in a past life to warrant me going to Hell (Earth) for however long my prison term here will be, but I sure will be happy when it is time for me to leave this lice (they call themselves humans) infested planet.

I can't wait for the day that I no longer have to "be nice" just to be shit upon by the lice of this world. I will wait out my time like everyone else, but I sure in the Hell ain't gonna like it!

If I ever get cancer....Please let me die, don't make me suffer so you can torture me more.
If I slit my throat....Sit there an listen to it gurgle while I take my last almost breaths.
If I take pills and go into a coma rather than dying.....Take me off any machines and watch me slip quietly or hopefuly not so quietly out of this body.
If I ever buy a gun...don't take it away from me, it might be my only way out of Hell.

If you read this and want to lock me up and or put me in a streight it...I don't fucking care. There is nothing left in this world for me anymore.