Thursday, June 18, 2009

The "New" American Dream

The American Dream is not what it use to be.

The things that use to be important to Americans was how well you treated each other, helping each other achieve dreams and have a good, clean and fun life. Raising a family was a goal for most people. Being part of and helping create a great community was important. People were friends because they enjoyed each others company. We use to have values, respect things and people. Honesty was expected and respected.

Now the "American Dream" has become superficial. There is no substance left in it. It is just all about how you look, how much money you make and how many people recognize your "perfect" face.

People now don't care about family, helping others, or being honest. All that matters is that they get their greedy little hands on everything they want. They don't care who they walk over or harm to get it. They want what they want and will do what it takes to get it.

Some people want a "perfect" body, so they torture themselves by starving, exercising (too much), getting surgeries and so on. Other people just simply want money so they can do whatever they want whenever they want. Some people just want fame. They will do whatever it takes to get it, not caring about who or what they destroy on the path to getting there.

People now judge each other on what size of a house you live in, what kind of car you drive, what fancy clothes you wear, where you get your hair done and how much you spend on that 5oz salad at lunch.

Some people will ONLY be friends with other people who "have it all" just because they want to be around those things, not because they really care anything about the person that they are hanging out with.

The worst part of it all is that nobody wants to WORK HARD for anything that they need or want. They find ways to get money without earning or deserving it.

This is all SO STUPID! We need to get back to what this country was really built on and for. HARD WORKING, CARING PEOPLE!

I grew very poor. But, I am not any less of a person because of it. In fact, I am glad that I did because I can now appreciate things that I am sure many people can not appreciate because they have never gone without. They have always been spoiled.

We did not need money to have a good life. We were raised with values and taught to respect and not judge others. We were financially poor but spiritually rich. We were loved and cared about. We did not always have food to eat, but we always had love in our home.

When I say that I grew up poor, I do not mean that I grew up without getting everything that I wanted. Up until I was 14 years old, our family of 6 (Mom, Dad and 3 siblings) lived in a 2 bedroom single wide mobile home. My parents put a wall between the one bedroom to split it in two. I shared my 1/2 room with my two sisters while my brother had his own 1/2 room. I think my room was about 6 feet wide by 10 feet long. We had a bunk bed and a dresser in there. That was all there was room for. But, at least I had a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in and a dresser to put clothes in. We did not have everything we wanted, but we did have a good life and grew up to be good people.

My grandmother grew up "dirt poor"....literally. That term was used when people could not afford flooring in their homes. My grandmothers family was one of them. Her family had one large bed that they all slept in, 8 kids I think. The house was very small and had a dirt floor. But, my grandmother is one of the most honest and wonderful woman that I have ever met in my life. She is a true insperation.

As Americans, we need to stop putting the value of a person in the amount of money they have or what they look like and start putting the value in what type of person they are and how they treat others. We need to bring integrity and honesty back into our lives. We need to make family and each other our number one priority. Not money and selfishness.

We have become a very selfish country. It is not surprising that most other countries hate us at this point.