Monday, June 01, 2009

I am learning......The hard way

So, I am learning things about myself. Somewhat because Dave has pointed some things out to me. Like I take on way to many things at one time.

I never realized how many projects I start and never have time to finish just because I take on too much at once.

The past 8 months have been very busy and full of stressful projects. Most of the stress I brought on myself.

Oct - Got married.
Oct - Started a 6 month Stamping Up class.
Nov - Got dogs. I SHOULD have waited until we KNEW for sure that we were going to be able to get the house that we were trying for before getting the dogs.
Nov/Dec - Bought a house. This by its self was enough adventure for a year.
Jan - Getting things moved and settled into the new house.
March - Began "landscaping" with no knowledge or tools for it.
April - Started garden from seeds (without having plans for the garden area of in the yard.)
May - Got a large above ground pool (without having the space in the yard ready for it.)
May - Decided to add a new branch to my business (that is taking up much time that I don't have).
June - Took on more debt to get a computer that I need to run my business. I have ran my Internet stores without a computer in my home for many years now, but I think I could do better if I could work on them from home instead of before, during lunch breaks and after work on my work computer.

All of this with the everyday adventures. Prom, B-Days, Holidays and so on.

I do take on way to much all at once. I am learning that I need to take a step back and deal with one project at a time. I need to learn to have patience and plan for things better. Like, money, yard space, time and other such things.

I guess I just see an opportunity and I want to jump on it without thinking about everything that is involved. I just want to do things. I don't want to wait. I don't want to let the opportunity pass me by because I feel like I won't get the opportunity again (that was not the reason for getting married).

As Dave says, I jump off the cliff without a parachute. I guess I just expect that I can either make one on my way down or hope that there is a rescue team at the bottom when I get there.

From now on, I will make sure I have a parachute and a backup parachute for the next adventure that I get myself into.