Saturday, May 30, 2009

So Very Frustrated!

This may be a long and very negative rant, so READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

I am so very frustrated with a bunch of different things right now.

I have been digging and digging rock and clay dirt for at least 2 hours a night (usually more) for two weeks now, just to accommodate this stupid pool (that the DQ JUST HAD TO HAVE). I wanted it too, but not this bad. I have finally given up. This project has caused much sanity loss, a pound of sweat, a bunch of bruises and sleepless nights because of aching muscles. It has beat me. I have NO MORE to give. But what frustrates me the most is that today, Dave told me that I was giving up. What the hell ever happened to knowing your limits and not pushing yourself over the edge to the point of death. I had given it all I had to give a week into it, but I just kept going. Now I don't even want to step one foot out in the yard (which is the place that I use to always want to be). I can not even so much as look at that stupid swimming pool project without wanting to jump off a bridge. DON'T tell me that I am giving up when I am just simply trying not to kill myself either by working to hard or on purpose because I just can not take anymore!

Onto my next stress.

The DQ wants a computer so she can get that stupid Sims 3 game. We have had many discussions about getting a new computer or getting the swimming pool (mentioned above) and we had decided on the pool because we did not have one of those, but we did have access to Dave's computer. Well, we got the pool (that is now just a thorn in my butt) and she is now complaining that she wants a computer. When does it ever end. I want, I want, I want! I can't take anymore. I work my ass off just to pay the bills and they are not ever paid on time. What the hell more can I do. I work a full time job, plus a couple of internet stores and I am working on starting up a home canning in home demonstration /sales business just to have grocery money. Again.....I can't take anymore of this!

There is more.

The DQ who is now 17 would like to get a job. She wants me to spend my free time (the 5 min a day that I have) to help her find one. I don't have a problem with her wanting a job. I don't have a problem with helping her find a job. But, has anyone seen the job market lately? It is not good. So, for a 17 year old special needs child, there is NOT MUCH out there, but she thinks that I should be able to pull off a miracle and somehow come up with a job for her. I have offered to have her help me with my job projects, but NO WAY will she do that, she thinks that is to un-cool. Well, welcome to the real world, you sometimes have to take a job that you don't want, to get experience and or because there is nothing else out there.

I know that these are just small trivial things compared to what most people are going through right now (job losses, home losses and so on). So, I am not having a pity party, I am just simply blogging about my frustrations at the moment.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Def Leppard Concert Here We Come

I did not think I would ever get the chance to see my fave 80's band Def Leppard in concert ever again. Partly because I am old and well, so are they.

I was lucky enough to see them in concert about 20 years ago and they were great. I have always wanted to see them again.

They are coming to Utah in August with Poison and Cheap Trick. I have seen all of theses bands before and I really enjoyed each of their shows.

I am beyond excited!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Long Holiday Weekend

I was so looking forward to a nice long holiday weekend of relaxing, setting up the pool, BBQing and planting the garden.

Things don't always go as planned.

My weekend started out with a letter from my bank informing me that my bank card number has been compromised because someone hacked into the credit card system that it was issued under and stole the numbers. Because it is a long weekend the only thing I could do was call the after hours number to have my card blocked. But, I had wait for the whole weekend to call the bank and get a new card issued. Plus I use my card almost every day, so it was hard to get use to not having it available. I am lucky that my card number was not used for any purchases and that no money was taken from my account. So, I am not complaining.

For the most part, the rest of the weekend went well. The weather did not cooperate so the pool did not get set up, but I did get the garden planted, we had a nice BBQ and went to my niece's B-Day party. She just turned 3. It was nice to see the family and have yummy cake and ice cream. And sleeping in for 3 days is always welcoming.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What's With This Amercian Idol Crap?

I am not a huge fan of American Idol, but I do like to see someone who works hard make their dream come true.

There were only 2 or 3 singers that I liked. One of which got booted long ago. The other two made it to the top 3. Actually I liked all 3 that made it to the top, but only one can win. I think that Adam had way toooo much confidence in himself and deserves to be put in his place by NOT winning.

The real problem I have with this whole thing is that these contestants went on this show in an attempt to make a dream come true. One of them got that and then suddenly it is being called an "Upset". Uhm, America voted, America created the winner and now they are all crying that he won? That does not make sense to me.

My theory is that it is just all the sore looser hard core Adam fans in the media that are crying and trying to take a great thing for Kris and turn it into some sort of controversy. Let Kris have his moment. Stop crying because your guy did not win. GET OVER IT and put out some good stories about Kris, who worked just as hard to be there and rightfully WON!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I finally got the pool of my dreams. Well, at least the pool of my dreams that my budget and yard would allow for.

I am very excited about getting the pool, but leveling the ground to set the pool up has become a monster of a job. Our yard has a slope. I knew that I would need to level the ground to put up the pool. I don't have a problem with that, but I did not realize how much of a slope I was going to have to deal with. By the time I am done leveling the ground, I might just be in good swimsuit shape :)

All I can say is that this had better be worth my effort when it is all said and done......UHG!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Facebook is an interesting thing

I have to admit that I finally started using my Facebook account a few months ago. I signed up over a year ago, but I never really understood it.

I am still learning how things work, but I have noticed a few things that I think are interesting about it.

At first I had a friend or two and I never really looked anyone up. The first real friend request I got was so exciting. Someone actually remembered me and took the time to look me up. How special I felt. We chatted for a bit, sent a few e-mails, responded to each others posts and then as quick as it all started, it sort of ended. We are still "friends" but we do not chat, e-mail or respond to each others posts anymore. I think that is partly because after 20 years of not knowing someone, you don't really know them like you did. You can't just pick up where you left off. You don't know what offends them, or if they understand your personality. Because you can not see facial expressions and or here the tone of a voice, you don't know if what they are writing is meant the way that you take it.

On the other hand, I have 2 really good friends that it seems like we did pick up right where we left off. We seem to understand each others responses and it is like we were friends for all those years.

Then there is the family side of things. I love to be able to keep up on how my siblings are doing. The posts about what silly things their kids are doing always brightens my day. Then there is my husbands family. They all live out of state, so I have not met most of them and because of not spending time with them, I don't really know them. Through Facebook, I can get a pretty good idea of who they are and learn about them. It is a bridge into their world so we can get to know each other.

I think that overall, Facebook is a great thing. I like that I can hop in and see how old friends or family are doing without having to feel like I am interrupting their day with a phone call or a visit to their house when they are busy. I also like the goofy quizzes and the results.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

So Very Tired

As I have blogged about a few blogs ago, the dogs have been keeping us from getting any sleep for two weeks.

I am so tired at this point that I don't feel anything. I don't feel tired, awake, alive or dead. I just exist.

As I found out today, I can not even tell the difference between a Pop-Tart and a Hot Pocket.
We don't have a vending machine at work, we just have treats that we can take and mark on a sheet so they will be paid for out of our paychecks.
On the sheet each item has a space that we mark when we take it. I found out today that a couple of times that I took a Pop-Tart, I marked the Hot Pocket space. I don't ever eat the Hot Pockets!
I am surprised I have not driven off the road from falling asleep yet.


Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Angry Bee

I was attacked by an angry bee yesterday.

I was just out doing some yard work and along came a very angry bee. Lucky for me it was just one angry bee and not a whole colony of them.

I don't know what I did to upset or even attract the angry bee, but it came at me with full intentions of stinging me. I ran away screaming and throwing my arms all over the place (the neighbors probably think I am crazy). I got away from the bee thinking all would be fine. So, I went back to the yard work and it came at me again. This happened about 6 times.

I was going to give up and go into the house and just finish my yard work later. As I started toward the porch, that dang bee came at me again. I got away from it but then noticed my dog jumping all over the yard and spinning in circles. I was confused until I saw that the bee had landed on the top of Jimmy's ear. I don't know if the bee stung poor Jimmy or not. I guess the bee finally got a victim and I never saw it again.

Bees have never bothered me before, but now I am a little afraid of them.

I have been stung only one time and it was a Wasp, not a bee.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Cat Acne?

I have never heard of a cat getting zits before today.

Tigger (Dave's cat) has been having some scabbing and bleeding on her chin (poor cat). She also has a chronic sinus infection. So, Dave took her into the vet and found out that she has a severe case of Cat Acne on her chin. Hum, interesting. She is not even a teenager :)

She will be fine. She is going to get some injections for the sinus infection and that should also help with her zit problem. They also suggested that we get some acne cleansing pads to wash her chin with so it does not become infected. Fun, Fun Stuff!

What Kind Of Neighborhood Did We Move Into?

The dogs have decided that they are going to bark at every noise they hear at night. This would not be a problem if our lovely back yard neighbors were not out in their yard at ALL hours of the night. I am not exaggerating. They are out there all day during the day and at midnight, 1 am, 3 am, 4 am and so on. So as you can see, this is causing the dogs to bark at all hours of the night.

You ask why the neighbors are out in their yard all the time? Well, I will tell you my theory.

I think they are growing Pot in an old parked van. (This is just a theory, there is no real proof to go on)

Here are my reasons for why I think this:

  • The van just sits there, it NEVER moves. It has dark windows and the front window has a sun shield in it. All of this to block the view of what is inside.
  • They run an electricity cord to the van and have a light on in it ALL night long. Also, there is a black tube that looks like some sort of water supply going into the van as well.
  • The neighbors are always "tending" to something in the van. I hear the van door open at least 15 times a night.
  • They also have a shed by the van that they are always getting in and out of. And it is not for yard care stuff.
  • Dave heard the neighbors talking to someone saying something about it being cheaper to grow your own crop than to buy it from someone else.

Remember, this is just a theory. I have not seen any plants nor have I smelled anything that would indicate they are smoking Pot.

I would do some research on growing Pot in a van if I was sure that I would not get in trouble because of people thinking that I was going to try it or something.

Anyway, back to the beginning of the story. If the vampires that live behind us would just stay quiet at night, the dogs would not bark and we could all get some sleep!

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!

I was just flipping through a clothing catalog and found out that you can purchase underwear with hip and butt implants in them. Really? Are you kidding me? I thought it was a joke at first, but it's not.

Here is my problem with that. Fashion designers make clothes to fit woman that have the shape of a 12 year old boy. So, woman starve themselves and exercises enough to work off any calories that they did eat, therefore causing them to have ZERO fat on their bodies. Well ladies, what do you think makes up your hips, butt and boobs. Some fat. You need some fat.

So, essentially what is going on is that our society says that woman must not have any fat on their bodies, but they must still have curves. You can't have it both ways! Oh wait, yes you can with clothes to change the appearance of what shape your body is.

That is false advertising. What if a man wants a woman with hips, boobs and or a butt. They marry a woman that they THINK has these things just to find out that the only hips, boobs and butt she has is padding in her underclothes.

Ok, uhm, fake anything is just plain STUPID!

Miss Hillbilly USA

Hey there all you pertty ladies. We are looking for contestants for the 2009 Miss Hillbilly USA.

Requirements to enter are as follows:

1) Must be able to belch loud enough that all 13 people attending the event will be able to hear you
2) Have very loud and smelly farts
3) Need to be able to bring your own overalls for the evening wear events (we are too poor to pay for props or outfits)
4) Your talent can not be twirling a baton or other long shafty things
5) You must be able to lift at least 40 pounds of potatos
6) Your body weight must be over 130 pounds
7) Need to know how to drive an old pick up truck. We do have some group entertainment events planned
8) Need to be able to spit at least 3 feet
9) Need to know how to make a fine batch of moonshine. There will be taste tests for all
10) Last but most important. NO FAKE ANYTHING ALLOWED! If you even had so much as a fake tooth put in, you are not gonna win.

Now, who wants to be our 2009 Miss Hillbilly USA?

Come on gals, put on yur best pair of overalls and work boots. Gather up yur moonshine and come on down for a great time. Ya never know, ya might just become Miss Hillbilly USA 2009!

Grand Prize: A great big double wide trailer on the corner lot and, yes there is more! A Fantastic, Beautiful, Amazing......Burger King Crown! Ya know ya want it!

Second Prize: A nice old pickup truck that doubles as a swimmin pool. Just fill up the back with water and have a great time. We might even add in a bonus flotation devise. Does anyone have a spare bum bum cushion that ya get after ya have a baby?

Third Prize: A new fancy wheel barrel to tote yur kids around the trailer-park in

Donations are being accepted for next years prizes.