Thursday, May 21, 2009

What's With This Amercian Idol Crap?

I am not a huge fan of American Idol, but I do like to see someone who works hard make their dream come true.

There were only 2 or 3 singers that I liked. One of which got booted long ago. The other two made it to the top 3. Actually I liked all 3 that made it to the top, but only one can win. I think that Adam had way toooo much confidence in himself and deserves to be put in his place by NOT winning.

The real problem I have with this whole thing is that these contestants went on this show in an attempt to make a dream come true. One of them got that and then suddenly it is being called an "Upset". Uhm, America voted, America created the winner and now they are all crying that he won? That does not make sense to me.

My theory is that it is just all the sore looser hard core Adam fans in the media that are crying and trying to take a great thing for Kris and turn it into some sort of controversy. Let Kris have his moment. Stop crying because your guy did not win. GET OVER IT and put out some good stories about Kris, who worked just as hard to be there and rightfully WON!