Saturday, May 02, 2009

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!

I was just flipping through a clothing catalog and found out that you can purchase underwear with hip and butt implants in them. Really? Are you kidding me? I thought it was a joke at first, but it's not.

Here is my problem with that. Fashion designers make clothes to fit woman that have the shape of a 12 year old boy. So, woman starve themselves and exercises enough to work off any calories that they did eat, therefore causing them to have ZERO fat on their bodies. Well ladies, what do you think makes up your hips, butt and boobs. Some fat. You need some fat.

So, essentially what is going on is that our society says that woman must not have any fat on their bodies, but they must still have curves. You can't have it both ways! Oh wait, yes you can with clothes to change the appearance of what shape your body is.

That is false advertising. What if a man wants a woman with hips, boobs and or a butt. They marry a woman that they THINK has these things just to find out that the only hips, boobs and butt she has is padding in her underclothes.

Ok, uhm, fake anything is just plain STUPID!