Tuesday, May 12, 2009

So Very Tired

As I have blogged about a few blogs ago, the dogs have been keeping us from getting any sleep for two weeks.

I am so tired at this point that I don't feel anything. I don't feel tired, awake, alive or dead. I just exist.

As I found out today, I can not even tell the difference between a Pop-Tart and a Hot Pocket.
We don't have a vending machine at work, we just have treats that we can take and mark on a sheet so they will be paid for out of our paychecks.
On the sheet each item has a space that we mark when we take it. I found out today that a couple of times that I took a Pop-Tart, I marked the Hot Pocket space. I don't ever eat the Hot Pockets!
I am surprised I have not driven off the road from falling asleep yet.