Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Facebook is an interesting thing

I have to admit that I finally started using my Facebook account a few months ago. I signed up over a year ago, but I never really understood it.

I am still learning how things work, but I have noticed a few things that I think are interesting about it.

At first I had a friend or two and I never really looked anyone up. The first real friend request I got was so exciting. Someone actually remembered me and took the time to look me up. How special I felt. We chatted for a bit, sent a few e-mails, responded to each others posts and then as quick as it all started, it sort of ended. We are still "friends" but we do not chat, e-mail or respond to each others posts anymore. I think that is partly because after 20 years of not knowing someone, you don't really know them like you did. You can't just pick up where you left off. You don't know what offends them, or if they understand your personality. Because you can not see facial expressions and or here the tone of a voice, you don't know if what they are writing is meant the way that you take it.

On the other hand, I have 2 really good friends that it seems like we did pick up right where we left off. We seem to understand each others responses and it is like we were friends for all those years.

Then there is the family side of things. I love to be able to keep up on how my siblings are doing. The posts about what silly things their kids are doing always brightens my day. Then there is my husbands family. They all live out of state, so I have not met most of them and because of not spending time with them, I don't really know them. Through Facebook, I can get a pretty good idea of who they are and learn about them. It is a bridge into their world so we can get to know each other.

I think that overall, Facebook is a great thing. I like that I can hop in and see how old friends or family are doing without having to feel like I am interrupting their day with a phone call or a visit to their house when they are busy. I also like the goofy quizzes and the results.