Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Angry Bee

I was attacked by an angry bee yesterday.

I was just out doing some yard work and along came a very angry bee. Lucky for me it was just one angry bee and not a whole colony of them.

I don't know what I did to upset or even attract the angry bee, but it came at me with full intentions of stinging me. I ran away screaming and throwing my arms all over the place (the neighbors probably think I am crazy). I got away from the bee thinking all would be fine. So, I went back to the yard work and it came at me again. This happened about 6 times.

I was going to give up and go into the house and just finish my yard work later. As I started toward the porch, that dang bee came at me again. I got away from it but then noticed my dog jumping all over the yard and spinning in circles. I was confused until I saw that the bee had landed on the top of Jimmy's ear. I don't know if the bee stung poor Jimmy or not. I guess the bee finally got a victim and I never saw it again.

Bees have never bothered me before, but now I am a little afraid of them.

I have been stung only one time and it was a Wasp, not a bee.