Tuesday, May 05, 2009

What Kind Of Neighborhood Did We Move Into?

The dogs have decided that they are going to bark at every noise they hear at night. This would not be a problem if our lovely back yard neighbors were not out in their yard at ALL hours of the night. I am not exaggerating. They are out there all day during the day and at midnight, 1 am, 3 am, 4 am and so on. So as you can see, this is causing the dogs to bark at all hours of the night.

You ask why the neighbors are out in their yard all the time? Well, I will tell you my theory.

I think they are growing Pot in an old parked van. (This is just a theory, there is no real proof to go on)

Here are my reasons for why I think this:

  • The van just sits there, it NEVER moves. It has dark windows and the front window has a sun shield in it. All of this to block the view of what is inside.
  • They run an electricity cord to the van and have a light on in it ALL night long. Also, there is a black tube that looks like some sort of water supply going into the van as well.
  • The neighbors are always "tending" to something in the van. I hear the van door open at least 15 times a night.
  • They also have a shed by the van that they are always getting in and out of. And it is not for yard care stuff.
  • Dave heard the neighbors talking to someone saying something about it being cheaper to grow your own crop than to buy it from someone else.

Remember, this is just a theory. I have not seen any plants nor have I smelled anything that would indicate they are smoking Pot.

I would do some research on growing Pot in a van if I was sure that I would not get in trouble because of people thinking that I was going to try it or something.

Anyway, back to the beginning of the story. If the vampires that live behind us would just stay quiet at night, the dogs would not bark and we could all get some sleep!