Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Long Holiday Weekend

I was so looking forward to a nice long holiday weekend of relaxing, setting up the pool, BBQing and planting the garden.

Things don't always go as planned.

My weekend started out with a letter from my bank informing me that my bank card number has been compromised because someone hacked into the credit card system that it was issued under and stole the numbers. Because it is a long weekend the only thing I could do was call the after hours number to have my card blocked. But, I had wait for the whole weekend to call the bank and get a new card issued. Plus I use my card almost every day, so it was hard to get use to not having it available. I am lucky that my card number was not used for any purchases and that no money was taken from my account. So, I am not complaining.

For the most part, the rest of the weekend went well. The weather did not cooperate so the pool did not get set up, but I did get the garden planted, we had a nice BBQ and went to my niece's B-Day party. She just turned 3. It was nice to see the family and have yummy cake and ice cream. And sleeping in for 3 days is always welcoming.