Thursday, April 30, 2009

Miss Fake Hoochie USA

I think it is silly that we have pageants the determine what girly girl deserves a crown just for being "pretty" and claiming that they want to create world piece.

Who decides what is the perfect look anyway? What makes a tall thin blond any better than a short petite brunette?

Besides, they are all fake anyway.

1) Fake attitudes. You can not tell me that they all really care about "The World"
2) Fake eyelashes. Nobody has eyelashes the length that ALL of these girls have.
3) Fake nails. I don't know anyone who can grow their nails that long and look so "perfect"
4) Fake hair. Can we say EXTENSIONS!
5) Fake tans. With skin cancer being such an issue, you would think that a fake tan would be protested by the cancer societies. Most people can not afford a good spray tan, so they try getting a tan the old fashioned way. And we should not be spraying ourselves with chemicals anyway.
6) Fake boobs. Miss CA is a perfect example. The Miss CA pageant admitted to paying for them so she would have a better shot at becoming Miss USA.
7) Fake reality of what a healthy body weight should be. They all have eating disorders.
8) Fake bodies. If they don't have fake boobs, they use a push-up bra. Some of them use padding to give them hips or a fuller booty.
9) Fake talent. Do you really think they can do what they are trying to do up there, I don't!

I am sure there are many more fake things that they do to create a look that they do not naturally have. Some of them probably have had lipo on their pinky toe, their knee caps re-adjusted or some other nips and tucks that are not as noticeable.

So, I propose that we change the name from Miss USA to Miss Fake Hoochie USA.

I think we should have an ALL NATURAL beauty pageant. No FAKES ALLOWED!

And no, I am not bitter because I am not a fake, 5 foot 9 inch tall toothpick with all fake

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My First Neg Feedback On eBay

No, I am not bragging that I have a neg feedback. I do have 1,191 positive feedback, 0 neutral, and now 1 neg. I think the 1,191 happy customers should say enough about my performance as an eBay member.

eBay has made the feedback playing field completely unfair. The buyer can leave neg feedback for no good reason, but the seller can NOT leave neg feedback, even if the buyer does not pay. So I expected this to happen sooner or later. I was hoping that it would never happen, but it does happen.

The thing that upsets me about it is that the customer was not unhappy with the transaction, they were unhappy with the product.

Did the customer contact me about this problem with the before leaving neg feedback.......NOPE!
Would I have given a refund or a replacement product.....ABSOLUTELY!

I have lost money to make my customers happy, but that is part of business and good customer service.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Stop the SPAM

No I am not talking about the mystery meat Spam. I am talking about the 150 spam e-mails that I get in my work e-mails every single day.

I do not need pills to make my "male" parts bigger (I am not a male). I am not interested in a fake Swiss watch. I don't want to meet a lonely, pretty Russian girl at some cafe somewhere. I do not belong to some bank that I need to "follow this link" before my account gets closed and I certainly am not going to be buying my prescriptions from some other country just to save a few bucks. Oh and I don't care about the latest diet plan on the market either. STOP SPAMMING ME!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth Day April 22, 2009

Did you plant a tree on Earth Day? I did. Wait, what is the difference between Earth Day and Arbor Day? Hum, I will have to look that up.

I planted my much awaited Black Cherry Tree and a Pear Tree. I have a Peach Tree that I am hoping is still alive (from the move) that still needs to be planted and I am hoping to get at least one more tree, probably an Apple Tree.

I just researched the difference between Earth Day (4-22-09) and Arbor Day (4-24-09). Earth Day is all about going green and Arbor Day is for planting trees.

I guess I can consider planting trees a "Green" thing to do for Earth Day and it covers Arbor Day as well. Sweet!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Yes I Am FAT! No I Am NOT Causing Global Warming Because Of It!

I was just reading a study that says that "fat" people cause more harm to the environment than thin people.

Someone has decided that a fat person eats more and is more likely to travel by car, therefor causing more carbon emissions than a "thin" person. They figure that if a fat person eats more food, then more food production is needed, which causes more fuels to be burned and so on.

I am FAT but I do not eat more than most other people. I know plenty of "thin" people that eat a whole lot more than I do. I do not drive my car to go 1 block down the street as the study suggests.

I am not fat because of eating too much or being lazy. I have a slow metabolism because my thyroid is not working properly. Yes this has been diagnosed by a DR.

I am not on medication because I could not afford the DR visits every few weeks to test my blood levels. The meds are not that much money. I can afford those, but I can't get them without a prescription and I can't get that without an $80 DR visit.

That is why I am fat.

So to all of you judgemental people out there. Get off your high horses and come back down to reality. Stop making assumptions that all fat people eat too much and are lazy!

I have figured out why old people are so mean.

For the longest time I could not understand why old people are so grumpy and mean. Now the older I get the more I understand.

Every day that goes by makes me a more angry and grumpy person. So I can now see why, by the time people get to be 70 years old, they have had enough of the stupid, idiot, jerk people of this world.

I have learned that if you are nice to people, they take advantage of and walk all over you. If you are not nice then you are considered to be a jerk. Where is the middle ground? I have not found it yet. So, I find it easier and better to just be a jerk. I am not sorry if that offends anyone.

A few cases in point for why I am so bitter toward the human race (these are just the ones that pissed me off the most, there are many others)

A few years ago my sister and I had just bought some food at a little local drive through. As we were going up the road we saw an older homeless man with a dog. The man was digging through the garbage picking out food items. Thinking we were being nice, we pulled over and offered him our food. He started yelling at us like I have never been yelled at before. I drove away in tears because I thought I was doing something nice, but I guess I was not. I have not and will not ever again offer food to anyone on the street. I won't even look at people that stand outside of Wal-Mart holding up signs that claim they are in need of help. I simply don't care.

One time I worked in a small craft store where we only ever had 2 people on a shift at any given time. We were only allowed 30 minutes from closing to get all of the money counted, get the store cleaned and get out. One night we had a customer come up to the door 10 minutes after closing, while we had all of the money out on the counter to be counted. Under NO circumstances are we to open the door when the money is out on the counter. But, this customer threw such a fit that my co-worker opened the door just enough to talk to her and let her know that we could not allow her into the store after closing and that we could not take any more sales because the register was already cashed out. The customer kept asking questions about a product. My co-worker went as far as to write down all of the sizes, prices and traced the items for sizing reference for this customer, she even went as far as to tell her where another craft store (close by) was that she could get that item at. Well, after 20 minutes of that the customer left. The next day my co-worker and I got in trouble because the customer called the home company and complained that we would not help her! I could not believe that someone would do that after we broke the rules to help her. We were not in trouble for opening the door, we were in trouble because we had an upset customer.

I have had friends who if you offer them one ride because their car is broken, they expect you to do whatever they want or need whenever they want or need something done. They don't care what my personal circumstances were. It was just all about them. If you give them 1 inch, they will expect 12 miles the next time around. I won't help anyone anymore.

Then yesterday the School Bus incident. Well, hat has pushed me over the edge. Never again will I give a crap about the convenience of another human being that I do not know or have any relation to.

I will just start by saying that Bridget goes to a school that is not in our boundaries or district, so I have to drop her off and pick her up every day. The school that is is attending is building a new school on the old parking lot.The parking lot they have now is not even big enough for the students to park in. So, I drop off an pick up Bridget next to the school doors, which I have been told by the principal is where I can do that.

A few weeks ago I was the ONLY car in along the side of the school. I parked where I did because I am suppose to park there and because that is where the buses DO NOT park. But, this one bus driver decided that she wanted to be a #*$&^ that day. She pulls up behind me and laid on the horn until I moved. She then parked right where I was. She has NEVER parked there before. She was just being a jerk. I let that one go. But I thought I was being nice by NOT parking where she normaly parks. I guess I was wrong on that one too.

But yesterday, this same driver pulled crap again. Here is how that went down.

I pulled in to the parking lot and parked where I HAD to because everything else is full.
A red car parked behind me. Then a full size bus goes by us just fine. Then Goat-Lover came along in her full size bus making a super wide turn to MAKE it so we were in her way.

She gets behind the red car, laid on the horn. He backs up, does some maneuvering and then starts to pull forward to move out of that spot and of her way, then she starts moving forward pining him between me and the bus. So, she finally stopped and let him get out. Then she moves even further to the right, coming so close to me that I had to back up and move further right (into the loose gravel). She then moves even closer to my car within about a half an inch (after I had already moved over) and stops right by my window (that was down) she laid on the horn and then started yelling at me. She then moves up to the next car and does the same thing to him and so on.

The thing that pisses me off the most is that it is a threat to hit my car and me when she purposely aims the bus at the car and comes within a half an inch of hitting it AFTER I have already moved out of her way AND I was not in her way in the first place. Plus we were not even near the corner that she had to turn on.

As I pointed out to the Principal, someone with that temperament SHOULD NOT BE DRIVING children around in a bus. I have demanded an apology and or more from the driver. To me it is assault when someone aims a vehicle at my car with the intention of "almost" hitting it and making me move just to come even closer after I have moved. Using her bus to show me that she is angry. That is a threat and as far as I am concerned that is assault.

The principal said that she would look over the surveillance video and see if she could find out what bus it was and who the driver is. I let them know that I will be calling the district every single day until something is done about this driver. And I intend to keep good on that!

I will no longer just sit here and let people shove crap down my throat just because they are having a bad hair day. NO MORE!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Nessie's News 4-16-09

Bad weather plus bad driving creates very slow driving times.

Last night we got a few inches of snow and it is still very cold outside. So, everyone SHOULD know that the road conditions are going to be slick. But people don't care.

Within my 30 mile drive to work, there was at least 3 serious car wrecks. Most people call them accidents, but if you had to drive in amongst the idiot drivers in Utah County, you would know that about 99.9% of the car wrecks could have been avoided if people did not drive the way they do.

As I was walking out my door to go to work I could hear sirens blaring down the highway, so I knew I was in for a very slow drive.

The stupidity began right at the highway entrance. While I was getting onto the highway on ramp I could see tire marks in the snow where a car had gone off the highway and plunged down the embankment into a puddle right next to the highway on ramp.

About 2 miles down the highway there was a Highway Patrol on the side of the road. A car had gone through the guard rail, off the side of the highway and into someone’s backyard.

Then about another 3 miles down the highway, a white Jeep lost control, spun out and got hit by a semi truck. There was also a small white car munched on the side of the road and a Pepsi truck between the South and North bound lanes.

If that is not bad enough, about 5 more miles down the road there was a truck that had somehow ended up flipping upside down. This one is pictured above. I took the pic with my cell phone while driving all of about 2 mph past it.

Could there be more, YUP! The worst part of all of this is that just after the third accident, there is construction zone where the speed limit goes down to 55 mph. Do you think people slowed down to that.....NOPE! They sped up to 75 or 80. Now remember the roads are wet and icy and we all just passed an accident that happened "probably" because of that type of driving.

Can we say STUPID! Yes Utah County drivers are the worst in the entire country!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A letter from the Sun

Yesterday I wrote the Sun a letter. Below is the letter that I wrote and then the response from the Sun

Dear Sun,

Where have you gone? Why did you go away? When will you be back? We need you dear Sun. Please come back to us. Warm our minds, hearts and homes. Please oh please Sun, please come back to us soon.

A shriveled human

Dear Shriveled Human,

I am sorry that I have been away for so long. Mother earth will not allow me to shine upon a world that is not deserving of my rays of light.

She is very sad about the way she is being treated by humans. The weather is simply a reflection of how she feels. Cold, Gray, Cloudy and Crying.

Mother Earth feels this way because of the way that humans disrespect her. How much evil is brought upon her back every single day. She is tired of being used as a killing ground, a place for evil people to thrive in their sick and degenerate behaviors and her resources being used for selfish reasons.

When Mother Earth feels like she is being treated with even the tiniest bit of respect, she will allow me to once again shine upon her, allowing the deserving people to enjoy the warmth in which I can bring to them.

Well Wishes,
The Sun

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Winter needs to go away!

This winter has been the LONGEST winter that I can ever remember. It has not been a very wild winter, but it has been about 8 or 9 months since we had more than one or two consecutive days of sun.

Sure we have had some "good" days in the past few weeks, but we have had mostly gray, dark, cold, windy, rainy and or snowy days.

I NEED some sun in my life. I am shriveling up into a pile of nothingness. I am loosing my ambition to plant a garden. I am becoming very depressed and I don't even want to look at the weather forecast anymore. Even if it does show sunny days, I won't believe it.

Dear Sun,

Where have you gone? Why did you go away? When will you be back?
We need you dear Sun. Please come back to us. Warm our minds, hearts and homes.
Please oh please Sun, please come back to us soon.

A shriveled human

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Great Easter Stuff Hunt

It is true that I do procrastinate way to often however, I have never waited until the day before a holiday to get my holiday shopping done.

Unfortunately I got sick on the day that I was planning on doing my Easter shopping and I could not get out of bed for 2 days, then when I could get out of bed on the 3rd day, it was not for very long and dealing with large crowds of people was just not something I could do.

So, today (the day before Easter) I headed out to the store at about 8:30am hoping to avoid most of the last minute shoppers. It was not too bad except that the local Wal-Mart was out of just about everything. I was able to get a few things there. I then went to a grocery store a few more miles down the road, whom also did not have what I was looking for. I was getting discouraged because I am still not feeling very good and I really needed to get my shopping done without going to every city in Utah County. I finally made my way to a small local grocery store and was very pleased to find those Oh So Yummy Mini Cadbury Eggs that I was looking for. It is not Easter without those to munch on all day long.

Now I just hope that I will be feeling well enough to enjoy all of the yummy candy that the Easter Bunny will be bringing me tonight :)

Happy Easter To All And To All a Good Night

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Sick and tired of being sick and tired

First off, NO I am not going to be having any more children, so my being sick is not that.

I have been sick off and on for over a week. It is just the typical tired, weak, and just feeling icky. I have had some flu like symptoms, but not on a daily basis. I thought I was better until this morning while driving to work. Bridget decided that she was cold, so she cranked the heat up as high as it could go. It almost killed me. I was going to either pass out or vomit. But doing either of those things while driving 75 mph down the highway is not a good idea. So, I opened the window hoping that some fresh air would help.

I thought I would be fine once I got some fresh air and sat down at work. But, nope! I am not able to stay out of the potty room for more than 15 min. Needless to say I will be going home early.

If you have read this far, you are probably wondering why I am blogging about being sick.

Well, I guess it is because being sick brings up memories of being sick when I was a kid. Being sick as a kid seamed horrible and tragic, but now I wish I could get all the pampered treatment that I got when I was a sick child.

Back then I would get to stay home on the couch all day watching cartoons. My mom would bring me homemade chicken noodle soup and even my grandma would come over to help the family with other things while my mom was taking care of me.

Now when I am sick, I still have to at least try to get in a full day of work. I am lucky to get a bowl of chicken noodle soup that came out of a can. If I am lucky enough to be at home in bed, I just lay there wondering what bill won't get paid that month and if I don't get better how I am going to pay for a DR visit without any health insurance.

No, I am not having a pity party on my blog. I was just thinking about being sick back in the good old days and wishing that I could just get better.

Monday, April 06, 2009

The dogs have conspired to kill me

I would think that because I am the only person in the house who feeds and plays with the dogs, they would be happy to see me in the morning. But, not this morning. They tried to kill me!

This morning when I went out to tie them up for feeding time, they ganged up on me and I did not even have the food with me yet.

They had a master plan that went something like this. They waited until I was between the house and the fence where I had little room to run. They then started circling me and getting in between my feet. I was knocked right out of my shoes onto all fours. All of the sudden I had doggy tungs, fur and paws all over me. I felt like a dead fish in pond full of starving Purana's. It took me about 5 min to crawl out from under them and get back on my feet.

Now thanks to the mutley crew, I have a sore ankle, tweaked back and a nicely bruised leg. If I was young and fit, this would not be a problem, but I am old and out of shape, so I ache all over.

I think the next time I go out to feed them, I will be warning full riot gear :)

Friday, April 03, 2009

I think all dogs should have their voice boxes removed.

Ok, I really don't think that all dogs should have their voice boxes removed.

But, Jimmy has recently decided that he needs to bark at EVERYTHING! It is very frustrating. I have tried everything in those "Positive Training" books for dogs, but nothing works. So, I went and got a little box thing that sends out an ultrasonic sound when he barks. It is SUPPOSE to get his attention long enough to stop the barking and be such an annoying sound that he will not want to bark. I only turn it on at night so he won't become "amune" to it. But it does not seem to work at all. He does not even acknowledge it when the sound is "supposedly" going off.

All I want is to sleep through the night and not have angry neighbors.

He mostly barks at other dogs that are barking. So, if all dogs had their voice boxes removed, then we would not have these problems.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

McDonald's Has Pissed Me Off On The Wrong Day!

I will just start this post off by saying that I have been sick and not gotten any sleep for at least two nights, so I am not in a very good mood to begin with.

I was craving some french fires and a small ice cream, so I thought I would just stop off at McDonald's to get those things.

I started to place my order and was told that I could not order ice cream because the machines were broken. No big deal, I will just get the fries. I pay and move to the next window. I was asked to pull forward and wait (for one small order of fries?) Ok, so I do. Then, 3 cars that placed their orders behind me got their food and left. OK, NOW IM PISSED. I pull into a parking stall, storm into the building and demand my money back. As I was doing so, they just happend to be getting my little order of fries put into the fry box. I grabbed my fries and stormed back out loudly vowing to never go there again.

Why the hell does it take 8 minutes to put a scoop of fries into a box. I dosn't! And 3 other people that were BEHIND me in line got their food and left before I got my ONE LITTLE ORDER OF FRIES! I WILL NOT BE GOING BACK THERE!

So, for the ice cream, I just went to the Wendy's that was across the street. Thank You Wendy's for having the food that I wanted and handing it to me in timely manner, without giving other people their food first.