Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A letter from the Sun

Yesterday I wrote the Sun a letter. Below is the letter that I wrote and then the response from the Sun

Dear Sun,

Where have you gone? Why did you go away? When will you be back? We need you dear Sun. Please come back to us. Warm our minds, hearts and homes. Please oh please Sun, please come back to us soon.

A shriveled human

Dear Shriveled Human,

I am sorry that I have been away for so long. Mother earth will not allow me to shine upon a world that is not deserving of my rays of light.

She is very sad about the way she is being treated by humans. The weather is simply a reflection of how she feels. Cold, Gray, Cloudy and Crying.

Mother Earth feels this way because of the way that humans disrespect her. How much evil is brought upon her back every single day. She is tired of being used as a killing ground, a place for evil people to thrive in their sick and degenerate behaviors and her resources being used for selfish reasons.

When Mother Earth feels like she is being treated with even the tiniest bit of respect, she will allow me to once again shine upon her, allowing the deserving people to enjoy the warmth in which I can bring to them.

Well Wishes,
The Sun