Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Yes I Am FAT! No I Am NOT Causing Global Warming Because Of It!

I was just reading a study that says that "fat" people cause more harm to the environment than thin people.

Someone has decided that a fat person eats more and is more likely to travel by car, therefor causing more carbon emissions than a "thin" person. They figure that if a fat person eats more food, then more food production is needed, which causes more fuels to be burned and so on.

I am FAT but I do not eat more than most other people. I know plenty of "thin" people that eat a whole lot more than I do. I do not drive my car to go 1 block down the street as the study suggests.

I am not fat because of eating too much or being lazy. I have a slow metabolism because my thyroid is not working properly. Yes this has been diagnosed by a DR.

I am not on medication because I could not afford the DR visits every few weeks to test my blood levels. The meds are not that much money. I can afford those, but I can't get them without a prescription and I can't get that without an $80 DR visit.

That is why I am fat.

So to all of you judgemental people out there. Get off your high horses and come back down to reality. Stop making assumptions that all fat people eat too much and are lazy!