Friday, April 03, 2009

I think all dogs should have their voice boxes removed.

Ok, I really don't think that all dogs should have their voice boxes removed.

But, Jimmy has recently decided that he needs to bark at EVERYTHING! It is very frustrating. I have tried everything in those "Positive Training" books for dogs, but nothing works. So, I went and got a little box thing that sends out an ultrasonic sound when he barks. It is SUPPOSE to get his attention long enough to stop the barking and be such an annoying sound that he will not want to bark. I only turn it on at night so he won't become "amune" to it. But it does not seem to work at all. He does not even acknowledge it when the sound is "supposedly" going off.

All I want is to sleep through the night and not have angry neighbors.

He mostly barks at other dogs that are barking. So, if all dogs had their voice boxes removed, then we would not have these problems.