Thursday, April 16, 2009

Nessie's News 4-16-09

Bad weather plus bad driving creates very slow driving times.

Last night we got a few inches of snow and it is still very cold outside. So, everyone SHOULD know that the road conditions are going to be slick. But people don't care.

Within my 30 mile drive to work, there was at least 3 serious car wrecks. Most people call them accidents, but if you had to drive in amongst the idiot drivers in Utah County, you would know that about 99.9% of the car wrecks could have been avoided if people did not drive the way they do.

As I was walking out my door to go to work I could hear sirens blaring down the highway, so I knew I was in for a very slow drive.

The stupidity began right at the highway entrance. While I was getting onto the highway on ramp I could see tire marks in the snow where a car had gone off the highway and plunged down the embankment into a puddle right next to the highway on ramp.

About 2 miles down the highway there was a Highway Patrol on the side of the road. A car had gone through the guard rail, off the side of the highway and into someone’s backyard.

Then about another 3 miles down the highway, a white Jeep lost control, spun out and got hit by a semi truck. There was also a small white car munched on the side of the road and a Pepsi truck between the South and North bound lanes.

If that is not bad enough, about 5 more miles down the road there was a truck that had somehow ended up flipping upside down. This one is pictured above. I took the pic with my cell phone while driving all of about 2 mph past it.

Could there be more, YUP! The worst part of all of this is that just after the third accident, there is construction zone where the speed limit goes down to 55 mph. Do you think people slowed down to that.....NOPE! They sped up to 75 or 80. Now remember the roads are wet and icy and we all just passed an accident that happened "probably" because of that type of driving.

Can we say STUPID! Yes Utah County drivers are the worst in the entire country!!!