Wednesday, April 01, 2009

McDonald's Has Pissed Me Off On The Wrong Day!

I will just start this post off by saying that I have been sick and not gotten any sleep for at least two nights, so I am not in a very good mood to begin with.

I was craving some french fires and a small ice cream, so I thought I would just stop off at McDonald's to get those things.

I started to place my order and was told that I could not order ice cream because the machines were broken. No big deal, I will just get the fries. I pay and move to the next window. I was asked to pull forward and wait (for one small order of fries?) Ok, so I do. Then, 3 cars that placed their orders behind me got their food and left. OK, NOW IM PISSED. I pull into a parking stall, storm into the building and demand my money back. As I was doing so, they just happend to be getting my little order of fries put into the fry box. I grabbed my fries and stormed back out loudly vowing to never go there again.

Why the hell does it take 8 minutes to put a scoop of fries into a box. I dosn't! And 3 other people that were BEHIND me in line got their food and left before I got my ONE LITTLE ORDER OF FRIES! I WILL NOT BE GOING BACK THERE!

So, for the ice cream, I just went to the Wendy's that was across the street. Thank You Wendy's for having the food that I wanted and handing it to me in timely manner, without giving other people their food first.