Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Sick and tired of being sick and tired

First off, NO I am not going to be having any more children, so my being sick is not that.

I have been sick off and on for over a week. It is just the typical tired, weak, and just feeling icky. I have had some flu like symptoms, but not on a daily basis. I thought I was better until this morning while driving to work. Bridget decided that she was cold, so she cranked the heat up as high as it could go. It almost killed me. I was going to either pass out or vomit. But doing either of those things while driving 75 mph down the highway is not a good idea. So, I opened the window hoping that some fresh air would help.

I thought I would be fine once I got some fresh air and sat down at work. But, nope! I am not able to stay out of the potty room for more than 15 min. Needless to say I will be going home early.

If you have read this far, you are probably wondering why I am blogging about being sick.

Well, I guess it is because being sick brings up memories of being sick when I was a kid. Being sick as a kid seamed horrible and tragic, but now I wish I could get all the pampered treatment that I got when I was a sick child.

Back then I would get to stay home on the couch all day watching cartoons. My mom would bring me homemade chicken noodle soup and even my grandma would come over to help the family with other things while my mom was taking care of me.

Now when I am sick, I still have to at least try to get in a full day of work. I am lucky to get a bowl of chicken noodle soup that came out of a can. If I am lucky enough to be at home in bed, I just lay there wondering what bill won't get paid that month and if I don't get better how I am going to pay for a DR visit without any health insurance.

No, I am not having a pity party on my blog. I was just thinking about being sick back in the good old days and wishing that I could just get better.