Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Winter needs to go away!

This winter has been the LONGEST winter that I can ever remember. It has not been a very wild winter, but it has been about 8 or 9 months since we had more than one or two consecutive days of sun.

Sure we have had some "good" days in the past few weeks, but we have had mostly gray, dark, cold, windy, rainy and or snowy days.

I NEED some sun in my life. I am shriveling up into a pile of nothingness. I am loosing my ambition to plant a garden. I am becoming very depressed and I don't even want to look at the weather forecast anymore. Even if it does show sunny days, I won't believe it.

Dear Sun,

Where have you gone? Why did you go away? When will you be back?
We need you dear Sun. Please come back to us. Warm our minds, hearts and homes.
Please oh please Sun, please come back to us soon.

A shriveled human