Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Great Easter Stuff Hunt

It is true that I do procrastinate way to often however, I have never waited until the day before a holiday to get my holiday shopping done.

Unfortunately I got sick on the day that I was planning on doing my Easter shopping and I could not get out of bed for 2 days, then when I could get out of bed on the 3rd day, it was not for very long and dealing with large crowds of people was just not something I could do.

So, today (the day before Easter) I headed out to the store at about 8:30am hoping to avoid most of the last minute shoppers. It was not too bad except that the local Wal-Mart was out of just about everything. I was able to get a few things there. I then went to a grocery store a few more miles down the road, whom also did not have what I was looking for. I was getting discouraged because I am still not feeling very good and I really needed to get my shopping done without going to every city in Utah County. I finally made my way to a small local grocery store and was very pleased to find those Oh So Yummy Mini Cadbury Eggs that I was looking for. It is not Easter without those to munch on all day long.

Now I just hope that I will be feeling well enough to enjoy all of the yummy candy that the Easter Bunny will be bringing me tonight :)

Happy Easter To All And To All a Good Night